Sunday 29 May 2016

God is somewhere you can't see with your physical eyes.

God is somewhere you can't see with your physical eyes.

Hello World,
Everybody wonders where the God is or whether the God exist at all or not. Before we discuss the subject, let me make it clear that this article is not for people who strongly believe that the God does not exist at all. This article is also not for people who have seen the God or have already met Him.
This article is only for those who are keenly and desperately interested in finding answers to following eternal questions:

a) Does God exist?
b) If Yes, where & how can we see Him?

The First thing first: Does God exist?? Please consider following: 

Scientists says that the age of the universe is 13.799 ± 0.021 billion years. It all came up with a Bing Bang and there was nothing before the big bang. All matter, elements, time, space and all the principals relating to science have come up only at the time of big bang for example the principals governing law of physics.

It is not that I am against the science but it has it's own limitations. Let us assume that there was a Big Bang 13.8 Billion years ago and the universe came into existence after the Big Bang. The question is what caused the Big Bang? 2nd Question: If time and space came into existence after the big bang then at what place and at what time big bang started. 3rd question: If all the matter came into existence after Big Bang then what matter caused it? 4th question: if all the principals of physics came into existence after Big Bang, then which principals governed the big bang? It's all contradictory and confusing, isn't it?? Science has failed to answer these questions till date, hence it has it's own limitations.

Another problem with science is that it will never look beyond the Big Bang because according to it there was noting before Big Bang. Who will try to find something at a place when he know that there is nothing.

Even if we believe that suddenly, out of nothing, everything came into existence at once with a big bang then there must be something which (or who) is capable of creating something out of nothing.

I am interested in knowing that Thing or Being which is capable of creating something out of nothing. May I have the liberty to call that Thing or Being "God"??  Yes I call Him "God". Since this creation exist, The one who has created it must exist. The God exist.

Yes the God exist but where is He??

Will we ever be able see him? the Answer is yes, but we all are looking in a place where he can't be.

Assuming that He caused the Big Bang due to which all matter came up, then he must be somewhere beyond all the things e.g. time, space and matter. Are you getting me? creator has to be something other than the creation. A Painting is not the Painter itself. An art piece is not the artist himself.

Can you find the artist in a piece of art?? the answer is NO. We can not find an artist in a piece of art. We can only see the expressions of the artist in a piece of art. We can only find the expressions of the God in this creation. We can not find Him in this physical world. Have "You" yourself seen Him with your physical eyes in this physical world??? No you haven't.

So you can not find him in this Physical World.

Let us assume for a minute that He is at a specific Place on this Earth. For example on a mountain in America. Now Can everybody climb a mountain?? can everybody go to America?? can get a Visa?? Is God Available to only handful people who have Physical and financial ability to reach America and climb a mountain?? Can you imagine a God who is biased??? If He is biased then He is not God.

Let us assume that the God is somewhere in the Sea. Does everybody know how to swim or dive? There are people who are physically disabled. Is God not available to those, who because of such physical disability can not even move 10 feets? What about people who are bedridden?? Don't they have any right to see Him? 

In order to qualify as a God He must be available to all persons, at all times and at all places. Even to a persons who is visually impaired. So the God must be somewhere where everybody, despite of their physical limitation, can see him. God must be omnipresent. Without limitations. available to all who is interested in Him.

So I repeat, you can not find him in this Physical World because Physical World has Limitations.

You are reading this because you know somewhere deep within yourself that the God is searchable. Yes He is and we can definitely find Him, but only if we think logically and look in the right direction. 

Where to Look for Him?

Just look around, what do you see?? everything made up of matter.

No God not is somewhere where you can see with your physical eyes because you see only matter with it. He is Beyond matter.

Now Just close your Eyes for 30 seconds.

Did you see the darkness???

This darkness is something which is not made up of matter. this is a place where law of physics does not apply. This is a place where even a physically impaired person can look. This is a place where one can go without even spending a single penny. This is a place where no permission of anybody is required. This is a place which is available to all persons at all times irrespective of their physical location and limitations. This is the place which is beyond limitation. This is the place beyond matter. Most importantly everybody can see this Darkness.

This is the place where you will be able to see him. Where all the saints have seen him and met Him.

But this place is dark and seems locked because we could not see anything.

Matthew 7:7–8
7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye
shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh
findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Keep on Knocking at the Right Place. Ask for It and it shall be opened. Be Enlighten, even when
your eyes are closed. 

"The Light can illuminate only a place which is Dark."

Matthew 6:22
"22 The light of the body is the eye: if 
therefore thine eye be single, thy 
whole body shall be full of light."

Only the marked souls will understand it.

Will come back.
URs Truly 

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