Sunday 19 June 2016

Difference between Third Eye, Pineal Gland and Crown Chakra: A Reality Check

Hello & Welcome Back Friends,

In my previous posts we discussed very fundamental questions about Existence of the God and His Whereabouts. Together, we concluded that the God Exist and He can be Found out only in 5th Dimension and can be seen only by “Third Eye”.

There are lots of rumors about Third Eye, Pineal Gland & Crown Chakra out there.
Some people say that there is no such thing exists which is called Third Eye and some confuse it with Pineal Gland. Some people speculate it to be some kind of energy Chakra.  There are hundreds of articles and videos out there that claim to explain about these things. Unfortunately these explanations are so complex and confusing that even an intellectual person finds it hard to understand, let alone the ordinary people with ordinary intelligence.

In today's article I will explain all the True and verifiable facts about the 3rd Eye in most easy words and most importantly you will be able to verify those facts yourself. After reading this article you will also be amazed to know the reasons why your feet gets numb when you are single pointedly focused on you study or work in sitting position for long.

 In order to understand this you would first need to know following facts:

1. You are a soul not a mere body; and
2.  The soul resides in your body at a specific place.

(For those who doubt that they are not Soul, there is a simple exercise by which they can find out. I’ll publish soon.You may contact me on my email or subscribe to this Blog to keep yourself updated If you are somehow convinced that you are not a soul then this article is not for you.) 

“Real Seekers” please continue to read:

The Pineal Gland

According to science, the Pineal Gland, is a small gland in the center of the brain which produces melatonin, a type of hormone, which affects the modulation of sleep patterns. Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone due to which it is called “Pineal” Gland.

However, in Spirituality this is a place from where the Soul starts its journey in the Human Body for the ultimate Salvation. There are 8.4 Millions kinds of bodies which may be given to a Soul to reap the fruit of the seeds which the soul has sown by doing Karmas though salvation is possible only in the Human Birth.

In Human Body, at the time of birth, the Soul starts its journey in the Pineal Gland in a “Concentrated or Condensed Form”. As it starts to use the brain and then the body, it slowly spreads and absorbed in the brain and from there to different parts of the body.

When the soul is in concentrated form in the pineal gland it has two options:

a)  Connect to the Physical world through 5 sensory organs; OR
b) Connect to higher planes of consciousness (Fifth Dimension) through Third Eye.

Initially, due to “Prarabdh” (“Fate” or “Karma”), the soul is forced to perceive the materialistic world by sensory organs. The Brain is activated then the sensory organs and then the whole body start working.


The only attribute which a Soul has is “Focus”. The Soul works in the physical world or in 5th Dimension (Higher Consciousness Planes) by “Focusing” only. Wherever Soul “Focuses” it become “Concentrated or Condensed” and reach at the place where it had focused.

Hence word “Concentration” which is usually confused with word Focus. The correct fact is that the Soul Focuses on something it become “Concentrated”.

Ordinarily, during the lifetime, the Focus of the Soul remains in the Physical World. Though the Focus keeps changing but remains in the Physical World. So long the Body and the Brain is busy doing something in the Physical World, the Soul is kept absorbed in the body and simply cannot “Concentrated back to “Pineal Gland”.

The Soul when focused in physical world and absorbed in the Body
The Soul, When absorbed in the Pineal Gland in a Condensed form

So this is the place where Soul resides and from here it spreads in the body.

How the soul spreads in the body?? The Soul and Body has the similar relation like water and foam. Imagine that a body is made up of foam and if you continuously wet the pineal gland the water will be spread and will be absorbed in the whole body slowly.

Thus the Pineal Gland is not the Third Eye but it is a physical place where Soul starts it’s journey in the human body and only a blessed or marked soul concentrates or condensed itself back to the Pineal Gland.

When the Soul is Concentrated or Condensed back to Pineal Gland, the whole body except the Pineal Gland gets numb. You can notice that when you are single pointedly focused on your study or work for long in a sitting position, your feet starts getting numb as they are not there. You even touch them but can’t feel them. This numbness is caused due to focus of the soul and due to the process of condensing the soul at pineal gland.

At subtle level Door to “5th Dimension: Mansion of God” is also opened.

The Third Eye
The “Third Eye” is always there in the Pineal Gland. It is a subtle opening in the Pineal Gland. When the Soul is in “Concentrated or Condensed” Form it can look through it into the 5th Dimension where higher planes to consciousness exist and then soul can starts moving in that direction by focusing there towards the Creator or God, by whatever name we may call Him.

All advanced civilizations knew about the Third Eye or Pineal Gland. Egyptian called it Eyes of Horus.  In Hindu ancient text it is called “Third Eye”. In Bible it has been referred to as “Single Eye”. No special technique is required to open third Eye as it is always there. The only thing which is required is to be at “Pineal Gland” in a concentrated or condensed form.

Crown Chakra

There are 6 Energy centers or chakras in the Physical Body. These Chakras are subtle and can be activated by a process called “Focus” which is the only attribute the soul has. These chakras are easy to activate. The Crown Chakra is not part of Chakras of the body as the same is in the 5th Dimension. The Crown Chakra is the First Higher Consciousness plane which exist in 5th Dimension and which can be seen or experienced by the soul only when it travels in it. This is 7th Chakra, which has 1000 Petals. This Chakra is also called "Sahasrar" Chakra. "Sahasrar"  litrelay means 1000.

So to conclude:
The Soul starts its journey in the Human Body in concentrated form at Pineal Gland. From Pineal Gland the Soul gets absorbed in the brain, then from there to the whole body by nervous system and then it connects to Physical world through 5 sensory organs i.e. Eyes, Ears, nose, mouth, and skin.

The Soul is capable to concentrate itself back to the Pineal Gland by a process called “Focus”.

When the Soul is in concentrated form in pineal gland it can look into 5th Dimension through Third Eye.

The Pineal Gland is not Third Eye but a physical place where the soul can concentrate back and then look into 5th Dimension through Third Eye.

When the soul is concentrated back to pineal gland, and travels to the “Crown Chakra” the soul starts perceiving directly all the divine Knowledge of the Creation and all the mystery is solved at once. However the Soul is still not liberated from the cycle of being put into any other boady i.e. Rebirth.

see Third eye in action in this interesting and short 4 minutes video  

So how can a Soul “concentrate or condensed” back to the “Pineal Gland” and look through Third Eye from there?? I’ll Soon come back with a detailed process.

Urs Truly,
The irony is that we think that spiritual texts are somehow coded and we try to decode it by surmises, speculations and assumptions.
As one wise man once said “We complicate the teachings with our fancy illusions, concepts and misinterpretations instead of applying our common sense. The Path is Simple; we make it complicated!”

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