Sunday 5 June 2016

5th Dimension: Mansion of God <>^<>

Image Courtsey wikipedia:Jason Hise
Hello Friends,

In my last post titled God is somewhere you can't see with your physical eyes we logically concluded that the God exist and we further discussed the reasons why the God can not be found in a physical world which is made up of matter. We also discussed that it is not wise to think that the God would hide himself somewhere ( for example on a Mountain in America or Himalayas) being out of reach of poor & disabled who need Him the most thereby proving Himself biased.

In this post we will discuss as to why the God could not be found in 4 physical dimensions and could be found only in the Fifth Dimension.

Fifth Dimension
Which Dimension is it ??
 According to science there are only 3 dimensions in this Universe i.e. Height, Length, and Depth. Albert Einstein gave us the theory of 4th dimension i.e. 'Time' (Relativitistic Physics). 

But the God can not be in any of these four dimensions because these dimensions have limitations and the God is beyond limitations:

Almost all of us believe that God can not be biased and discriminative and in fact The God must be available to all people at all times and all places. There must be only single qualification to see and meet Him i.e. being Human.  God must be  ubiquitous. Without borders. He must be available to all those who are interested in him be it a sinner or vicious or kind.  

So it is safe to say that the God must be at a place where everyone can see Him, without being depended  on physical, financial, social, political or even religious factor.

So the question arises Is there actually a place in order to see where:

A) No money is required;
B) No movement or travel is required;
C) Even a disabled or bed ridden person can see or be there;
D) No discrimination based on race, cast, creed, sex, language,citizenship, Visa etc.;
E) No Political, Financial or Religious consideration is necessary.

Further, Is there a Place which is Older than Big Bang? (See: God is somewhere you can't see with your physical eyes). Is there anything which is not made up of matter. Is there a place beyond time and space?

What we see through these physical eyes is the matter illuminated with light. Without light there can be no sight. In fact light is also made up of matter.

Then what is beyond even Light also??

Yes there is a place which has all the attributes we discussed above. It is Darkness. Yes the Darkness is a thing which existed prior to Big Bang. 

If we close our eyes only for two minute, what we would see is complete Darkness.

This Darkness is the Fifth Dimension which is beyond Matter, Space and Time. 

Physical eyes can see light only and this Darkness is seen by 3rd Eye.5th Dimension can be seen only by 3rd Eye. Hence the God whose mansion is in 5th Dimension can be seen only by the 3rd Eye.

In Hindu mythology the God is called "Antaryami". Which literally means "Inner Dimensional".  A place which is inside of the human body. In Holy Bible it is said "You are the Temple of living God."

That is the reason when we pray, we close our eyes. 

We have been closing our eyes in order to connect with the God but we have never tried to actually see Him in the darkness which is seen when we close our eyes. 

This is the reason we meditate with our eyes closed. In meditation we try to be at a place where we can see the God, place which is called the 5th Dimension.

The Fifth Dimension is a Place where anyone can See the God without spending money, without even moving single inch. Where everyone is allowed, irrespective of their race, cast, creed, sex, language,citizenship or physical placement and without depending on Political, Financial or Religious considerations.

He is so Close. So close your Eyes and with your 3rd Eye, which is single, You will See His Light in the Darkness.

22 The light of the body is the eye: if
therefore thine eye be single, thy
whole body shall be full of light."

Will come back.
Yours Truly DJ

"For Everybody to read, only marked souls to act upon."

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